Monday, January 12, 2009

Family Time = Bonding Time!

Dear Family Time Parents - It's been a wonderful experience to spend time together for the last 10 weeks.  Our musical trips to a friend's house, the park, the city, the aquarium, and the farm are coming to a close as we wrap up our semester this week.  As you sing and play at home, enjoy our Farm activities, both old and new.  Singing and playing "Old MacDonald" is so much fun!

You can enhance baby's experience with this song by turning her around so she can see your face. This will allow you to better engage your baby in a game of vocal play with animal sounds.  After making an animal sound, such as baa, wait a moment to give your baby time to imitate.

Your toddler will love to imitate moving with you to "Old MacDonald." Have fun galloping like a horse, rolling like a pig and crawling like a cat.  Your preschooler will love including puppets or stuffed animals to this familiar song.  Have fun creating silly voices and sounds for all your animals.  Vocal play boost language development!

As we come to the end of our ten weeks together, I'd lik eto thank you all for sharing your family with me.  If you've not yet re-enrolled in Family Time for the next semester, call or email today so that you can your family can enroll in the next class.

And again, thank you for sharing your family with me!

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