Sunday, January 17, 2016

Kindermusik 'Scaffolding' and Babies

Parenting Tip:  'Observe, Copy, and Vary" musical play with baby!


This concept allows your child to lead her own exploration of instruments and movement.  He develops independence, as he discovers all the different things that can be done with the shakers & scarves. As you label, describe, and copy your child's movements, your acknowledgement strengthens her learning, and encourages continued problem-solving.  Adding a little extra challenge along the same lines is a pedagogical technique called scaffolding.
The term scaffolding evokes the image of a temporary support structure in a construction site.  The process of scaffolding in an educational sense is much like the traditional definition of scaffolding as a temporary support system used until a task is complete and a building stands without support. That sounds a lot like our job as parents, doesn't it?  We provide a temporary support system for our children until they can stand on their own in the world.



Look at the Touch, Smell, Taste activity!  Note your child's reaction to each food.  How can you scaffold this activity? 

Look at the Cookie Party e-book.  Use a shaker instrument (store-bought, or home-made) to add sound effects to the story.  Follow your child's lead, and observe, copy, then add a challenge, as you create fun sounds, together. 

Put on a fun dancing tune, from the 'Yum!' CD (like Bread & Coffee, or Mrs. Murphy's Chowder).  Watch to see how your child moves to the music.  Label those actions, and copy them (to your child's delight!), then invite him to change the movement, a bit, to add a challenge.


Want to Learn More?

Read more about scaffolding - on our blog!


Kindermusik 7-year Continuum:

Scaffolding in Kindermusik baby classes means noticing how baby is interacting with an instrument or prop, and letting baby know you've noticed!  Will baby change her play when she notices Mommy has changed hers?  For toddlers, scaffolding means continuing this cycle of 'observe, copy, and vary' as your child becomes more experimental during instrument & prop play.  In Kindermusik preschool classes, scaffolding takes the form of providing a safe, supportive framework within which children can create their own music, movements, and pretend play.  For big kids, in Young Child classes, we scaffold by providing children with proper technique and note-reading skills, so that they can enjoy playing and creating their own favorite sounds.


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