Sunday, January 24, 2016

Emotional Development and Your Toddler

Parenting Tip:  Sing, dance, and bond with your toddler



Emotions have a tremendous impact on learning.  Children learn more readily and easily when they feel calm and happy.  Learning with, and from, a beloved adult provides an even stronger learning environment.  Simple activities, such as rocking together, help to create a sense of safety and comfort that lays a strong foundation for your child's learning to take place. 



Sing & move along with If You're Happy, and You Know it!. 

Check out the American Sign Language for different feelings.

Cue up the laughing sounds, on the Kindermusik 'How Do You Feel' CD.  Can you laugh?  Can the whole family laugh?  How does each family member's laugh sound?  Can you make silly faces, to keep the laughter going? 

Play the song, Epo I Tai Tai E, and have a family dance!


Want to Learn More?

On our blog - learn more about singing when you're happy, and how that impacts a child's social/emotional skills


Kindermusik 7-Year Continuum:

The emotional development fostered by Kindermusik toddler classes, helps your child to feel safe, so that he can learn more readily, and gain the confidence he'll need to create his own ideas, moves, and music in preschool and big kid Kindermusik classes.


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