By Kathy Morrison, Kindermusik Teacher and Program Director
Kindermusik is unique. It's one of the few programs for children where a child can have
the same teacher year after year after year for up to 7 years. I love to share with parents this amazing benefit and how this stability over time helps the child through other transitions in their life and gives the child the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe, trusted environment.
Such is the case with my friend, Liam.
I first met Liam as a baby when he started in a Kindermusik baby class. Every week, I looked forward to spending time with him and his mom. They LOVED Kindermusik and all that we were experiencing: language, instruments, socialization, beat, spatial orientation, and more using music to teach the whole child. And somewhere along the way, as it happens with so many children in my classroom, I feel in love with Liam.
Time went on and Liam became a toddler. He would RUN into my classroom waiting room saying "MIss Kathy, Miss Kathy" and we would make music together each week with his Mom. We pretended to be trains and sang songs about animals. We played instruments (especially drums!) and practiced creative movement. We bounced, jumped, galloped, and more. Liam started singing - really singing! Everywhere he went! And we agreed that Kindermusik was making a huge difference. At the end of class, I would get BIG HUGS and it made me smile.
The day came when Liam promoted to the big boy class for preschoolers and he started coming into the classroom without Mom. To my delight, he planted himself next to me every week. And I found myself sharing stories at home about my friend, Liam. Oh the things we were learning - matching pitch, the ability to play in an ensemble, taking turns, and practicing empathy for others. I found myself being challenged to be the very best teacher I could be. And I loved Liam all the more. Because he WANTED to be in my classroom, doing all that we were doing. He wanted to sing and learn and move.
In 2012, Liam's mom shared this with me:
"Kindermusik has been a part of our lives since Liam was 3 months old. I could tell you stories that would make you laugh about how he sings his heart at home, in the car and at class. He thoroughly enjoys classes with Miss Kathy and the benefits of this program have made an immeasurable impact on him socially, emotionally and educationally. His love of music is immense and I truly believe every child should have the opportunity to participate in Kindermusik for the joy and pleasure it brings."
So we celebrated and I began to think about what would come next.
Soon Liam was ready to promote up to Kindermusik for the Young Child class - the BEST thing that we do: Teaching kids to read and write music. I had waited all these years to give him the very best of what I had to offer. In late spring 2012, his mom explained that their family was moving out of state starting in the summer. Oh, no. There would be no more classes with Liam and no Young Child experience with me as his teacher. I grieved. Seriously. After 5 years, I couldn't believe that I would not be his teacher again.
A year went by…August 2013, I was working at my desk when an email hit my inbox. Liam's mom had just registered him for Kindermusik for the Young Child class to start in September! What??? Were they moving back? I contacted her immediately. The short story is…Mom couldn't find the class they wanted for Liam in her area. So she decided that every Thursday they would drive from Wheeling, WV to Pittsburgh so that Liam could be in my Young Child class. I was blown away. I still am.
Yahoo!! Let the Celebration Begin!
So Liam is back and some amazing things are happening.
At Thanksgiving, Liam taught our whole class a new "turkey" song he'd learned at school. We learned to sing the song and then composed an accompaniment part for instruments. WOW! Thank you, Liam!
Then we had another new student join class recently. This past week and before I could ask, Liam was helping her compose melodies on the staff. She was still learning where C and A live on the staff because she's new. But guess what? By the end of class, she knew EXACTLY where they lived, because Liam taught her. He was so pleased that she learned it and was proud that he'd helped. There's that empathy again!
His mom sent me a note this week:
"I can't tell you enough how much Liam loves class and his glockenspiel. Honestly the difference music has meant in his life in his few short years is phenomenal. I can't tell you the joy it brings me when he sings in the car unprompted."
So while I love to share the benefits to the child for having the same teacher year after year, today I'm sharing the benefits to the teacher for having the same child in class year after year. Liam is a great example of why I love teaching Kindermusik. I get to see children blossom and grow before my very eyes because of the power of Music. Watching children mature like this over time affirms for me that I am doing my life's best work. PLUS, I am reminded of the amazing things that happen in our classrooms when we empower children to take what they know and share with others.
Thanks, Liam! I'm so glad to be learning from you!
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