Monday, October 26, 2015

Play Stop & Go Games to Develop Inhibitory Control!

Musical Parenting Tip:  Play Stop & Go Games to Develop Inhibitory Control!

·      Activities that encourage your child to focus, listen, then react through movement of non-movement develop a strong sense of internal control.
·      Toddlers love stop and go games, because they allow the child to practice control over his body and revel in his mastery of this control.
·      Inhibitory control is important in social interactions where taking turns is involved, and, as such, is an important skill for success in school.

·      Listen to the Alpine Song, from your ‘On the Town With Bear’ CD, and move to the music.  Then, each time bear is interrupted by an animal friend, STOP, look, and listen for the animal.  Then make the sign for that animal (use our video sign language guide for help) while making the animal sound to match.  Then, continue the song until the next animal appears, and repeat the sequence.
·      Play ‘freeze dance!’  Choose a favorite song, and dance when the music plays.  Freeze when Mommy pauses the music!
·      Listen to ‘A Big Black Bear,’ on your CD.  Take baby on a pretend hike into the mountains.  Be sure to pause and say ‘shh!’ after each time they sing ‘please be very quiet (shh), very very quiet (shh)’

Want to learn more?
On our blog – read:

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